Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Garden Surprises!!

Saturday I stole a few moments to explore the garden.  My poor neglected garden took the brunt of the heat this summer.  The iris pods are crispy, the lemon thyme scorched, and I spied some pretty sorry looking lavender.  All has not been lost as I soon discovered.

I planted a new birdfeeder right on the front lawn in order to do some birding from our front window.  It's been a pretty active venue.  Cardinals, robins, & mourning doves frequently fill-up while giving me a front row seat to their beauty.

But wait, why didn't I notice this before?  A trio of sunflowers sprounted around the feeder.

The sunflower rests its head against the heat.

And yesterday morning: 

Getting ready to wake.

And, THIS morning:

Hello, Gorgeous!

And THAT makes me happy!

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