Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Have You Seen My Angel?

Last Sunday as I readied Dad for bed, he asked me, "Have you seen my angel?"  The question caught be off guard.  I asked him if he HAD seen his angel.  He said, "No, but they tell me my angel is coming."  I told him that if I saw the angel I would tell him? her? you were waiting.

Now I, for one, believe in those messengers between heaven and earth.  I love looking at magnificent pictures of angels with gossamer wings, protecting us from evil or urging us on to do the right thing.  As a little girl I prayed every night to my guardian angel to keep me safe from monsters that roamed the night or to give me the wisdom to get through a difficult exam.

Dad's question left me wondering about who 'they' were.  Does heaven or the afterlife operate much like the secret service sending an advance team?  Are there celestial beings who prepare the dying to meet their angel?  Really?  A Celestial Advance Team (CAT)?

So, how does one become a CAT member?  Perhaps the difference they made on earth earned them their calling in the great beyond.  I really don't know the answer, but there's a saying, "Treat everyone with love and care, for they might be an angel in disguise."  Or in Dad's case a member of CAT.

Take care.

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