Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Daily Dickens: Small Dog Warnings

This fall has not lived up to its advertising.  Sure, Dickens and I strolled through some gorgeous foliage, but Mother Nature must be experiencing a bit of indigestion in the past week as yet another storm has been promised for today - a Nor'easter.  Nor'easters pack quite a punch so I'll be ever vigilant today.  High winds, rain, oh, and did I mention snow?  Up to an inch predicted for today.  Not a lot, but this caregiver and her pupster are NOT ready for the white stuff.  At least I'm not and I know the folks in New Jersey & New York City dread this storm's arrival.  So what can we do?

Here's what we can do:  Grab your coffee, fire up your computer, go to, and make a donation.  Large or small, it doesn't matter.  You'll receive a dual benefit:  you'll have given to a very good cause and the act of giving will warm your heart all the day long.

Today, Dickens encounters his first snowfall.  I'll record the moment and post it here.  Should be fun!

Please and thank you!


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