Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Letter to Monday

Dear Monday,

Your visit today proved challenging and, dare I say it, miserable.  From 5 AM forward you served up a unholy mess.  You pushed me to my limits, but, dear day of the week, you are 5 minutes away from being history and, with God's help, we'll all rise to witness what Tuesday has in store.

For once I'm not going to focus on the agony you threw at us.  No, no, you aren't the story.  Sorry your 24 hours of fame are over.

I have to say tonight I sit with keyboard in hand and gratitude in my heart.  As I recently became a member of New York Times bestselling author Jon Katz latest endeavor - The Open Group for Bedlam Farm on Facebook.  The group consists of writers, photographers, painters, etc., etc.  These are wonderful, inspirational, soulful, supportive artists.  I visit the site regularly and tonight's entries warmed by heart and I managed to avoid an epic personal pity party.

One blog that spoke to me involved Gratitude.  As I sit here reflecting, I have much to be grateful for, in spite of you, Monday.  Judy has never blogged before and it's our loss.  Her site's address is www.onbeinggrateful.wordpress.com.  Check it out, I think it just might change your attitude toward others, especially me.

I'm grateful for my mother, for the nurses who care for her, for a little dog who can frustrate, but love me, I'm grateful for friends and even enemies who challenge me to call upon the best within me. Gratitude rising for every breath I take, every plant that shows its beauty, and every member of the this artist's group who reveals their souls by the work they produce.

And as I write this, Monday, I'm grateful to you for teaching me to make better choices when the black clouds are above me.

You can return next week, Monday, but please, please be gentle.

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