Friday, September 28, 2012

The Daily Dickens: Meeting Katie

My dear friend Katie stopped by last night so I could present her with a very belated birthday gift - Dancing Dogs by Jon Katz.  She, too, has a dog and an incredible insight into animals. 

Although socialization is a HUGE aspect of bringing up a puppy, Dickens can be too social as he expresses his excitement a la mouth, rather than licks of hello.  He also shows his delight  in another way, being male, which can be off-putting.  (If ya know what I mean!).

I needn't have worried.  Dickens showed himself in fine form by kissing Katie and showing his exhuberance.  He should.  She returned his greeting  with back and belly scratches.  The scene pleased me to no end.  Katie's an amazing lady as is her mother.  I'm lucky they've included me in their family.  Truly blessed.

Katie took a few shots of Dickens in action.  Here they are:

Photos above and below courtesy Katie D.


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